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Healthy Plant: Wild Daisy Vs infectious Diseases

The Flu and especially the Covid-19 pandemic with its now present Omicron variant is raising fear. Concern relating to vaccination vs natural immunity is now the hot topic. Despite that numerous hospital statistics reveal that the vaccinated are still contracting the virus, the same also goes for the unvaccinated. Covid-19 is real and even if the reader does not believe in the vaccine one still has to take health precautions in the context of boosting ones immune system. This brings us to the healing value of herbs that are often times overlooked and such is the case of wild daisies frequently passed by along the way not recognizing their value. Before we get into the value of these daisies let's establish this point: A Herb alone is not a magic bullet to bring about a healing. There are laws to health that must be used in unison with herbs along with prayer to bring about desired health, results that the author has seen and experienced himself and in others. 

"He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man: that he may bring forth food out of the earth;" Psalms 104:14KJV

About the Herb

Its medicinal active components are most concentrated in the leaves, and especially in the flowers of of wild daisy: saponins, tannin, organic acids (malic, tartaric, acetic, oxalic, etc), mineral salts, inuline and an essential oil.

Wild Daisy is beneficial for fever and infectious diseases including, influenza, bronchitis, catarrh, measles, scarlett fever, parotiditis etc. "It promotes the elimination of toxins and metabolic waste produced by infection (through urine and sweat), as well as invigorates the body, cutting short its convalescence period (period in which the body recovers from a serious illness or surgery). Moreover, it decreases fever and helps expectoration (clearing mucus and phlegm)." 


Other benefits include:

  • Laxative (loosens stool & increases bowel movement)
  • Depurative (purifying)
  • Diuretic (helps rid the body of salt and water)
  • Sudorific (causes sweating)
  • febrifuge (decreases fever)
  • Increases appetite 
  • Vulnerary (heals wounds and bruises, in external application). which means traumas, bruises, sprains, boils, and as a rule, any skin or soft tissue lesion where where an anti-inflammatory and cicatrizant (wound healing is required).
 How to use the Herb:
  • As Food: can actually be used as a vegetable in salads.
  • As Tea: large spoonful of flowers per cup of water 
  • External application: Compresses soaked in decoction made with 50-60g of flowers and or leaves per litre of water. Boil for two minutes, then steep for 15mins before straining, apply the compresses on the affected skin area, changing them every hour.



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